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We get asked this a lot

How 1315 Logistics can help me?

If you're looking to start your career in logistics, we can get you started and help guide you all of the way. If you're looking to hire the best talent in the logistics space, we know where they're at.

What is the growth like in the logistics and supply chain space?

In the past 20 years, supply chain jobs have increased by over 50%. And supply chain jobs make up over 33% of the total U.S. economy.

What if I haven't been trained in logistics and supply chain?

1315 Logistics was founded for this exact reason. Our team has built out a custom training program, which will get you ready to be comfortable on the very first day on the job.

If I'm an employer, can you customize your training program with my internal material?

Absolutely! We've setup our program, so that it's both customizable and comprehensive. We can teach all of your material, all of ours, or a little bit of both. The team at 1315 takes a collaborative approach, when partnering with companies.